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Sami Swoi

Sami Swoi is the biggest Polish money transfer network in the UK. Over 12-years’ experience in the market is the best guarantee of the quality of services offered to over 250 000 satisfied customers. Sami Swoi provides complete security, a competitive GBP exchange rate, simplicity of access to services and a variety of options to send money to Poland.

Bank transfer ‘STANDARD’ into Polish Zloty bank accounts is one of the most popular transfers in Sami Swoi. Funds are delivered within 2 working days. If time is important, Sami Swoi offers you a bank transfer ‘EXPRESS’. Here money will be sent to an account within one working day without high transfer fees.
Now, if you forgot about someone’s birthday? Sami Swoi recommends transfer ‘LIVE’ a 10 minutes service.
If a recipient does not have a bank account, there are various options available to send money to the beneficiary’s hands by choosing transfer for cash collection in bank branches, the Polish Post Offices or a 10 minutes service straight to an ATM.

With Sami Swoi, transfers can be made through one of more than 200 branches throughout the UK, via our phone line service +44 (0) 207 099 2441, via the website or our latest distribution channel a Mobile Application – you can transfer money faster and easier than ever before.

Years of experience in providing financial services to individual customers has made us design solutions that also support businesses. Sami Swoi Premium is dedicated to the business sector - it helps your company to compete more effectively on the Polish and UK markets.